Personal Background Checks
When conducting background checks, we utilize multiple sources for nationwide subject profiles, assets, court and criminal records, businesses, licenses and permits, and more.
Our searches cover the entire nation with additional reports that include California databases for a very thorough background search. Each background check includes a PDF file copy of the search which is sent to you by email.
Our extensive background checks are compiled by experienced private investigators in Los Angeles who know how to find subjects and look for key issues that can make a very big difference in your investigation objectives.
If you need to conduct a background check, our licensed California private investigators are ready to take your case. Call our Beverly Hills office at (310) 894-5200 or submit your inquiry via email to get the process started.
Serving All of Southern California
Here are just some of the areas we serve in Southern California.
Trust Your Instincts
When clients contact us about their suspicions,
they are on point 90% of the time!