Jun 9, 2022 | Blog
From the phony salesman to identity theft, older people are often the favored target for fraudsters. If you have elderly people in your family or circle, you need to do everything you can to protect them. In the following infographic, learn about eight scams that...
Apr 11, 2022 | Blog
While legal gun ownership is a right protected by the 2nd Amendment, it still comes with a genuine degree of risk and responsibility. Each year, 500 people die from unintentional firearm injuries. Americans are four times more likely to die from an accidental gun...
Jun 10, 2021 | Blog
Here is a visual graph that shows the percentages in the every state across the United States of various weapons used in homicides. Weapons are broken down into different types of firearms including handguns, shotguns, rifles, as well as a category of unknown...
Mar 10, 2021 | Blog
Statistics show that 56% of men and 34% of women who commit infidelity rate their marriages as happy or very happy. This makes the reason people cheat a little harder to dissect and comprehend. One thing is certain: it is difficult to recover from infidelity in a...
Dec 10, 2020 | Blog
When one starts looking statistics of workplace violence in America, it is pretty obvious that this is a serious problem. Each year, millions of Americans report cases of workplace violence and unfortunately, many more go unreported. It’s an even graver scenario...
Nov 10, 2020 | Blog
Doesn’t it sometimes seem like every time you turn on the news, there is another story about someone being shot or even killed by police? One of the most recent and certainly volatile high-profile fatal police shootings is that of George Floyd, a Minneapolis man...
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