These days it seems as though your personal information is out there just waiting for the wrong person to come across it. Nearly anyone can easily access your private data using surveillance devices or “bugs,” as they are commonly called.
An invasion of privacy may not seem like a big deal right now, but you will swiftly change your mind when it happens to you. A professional licensed investigator can create a shield around you, sweeping any suspected areas for those pesky bugs.
What Is a Bug Sweep?
When a licensed investigator sweeps for bugs, they are not responsible for removing the devices from your property. Instead, the investigator will use high tech equipment to determine whether or not your privacy is being invaded by an unwelcome source. By utilizing TSCM, which just stands for Technical Surveillance Countermeasures, our investigators can help to protect an individual or business from such an invasion.
Why Bug Sweeps Are Vital
Bug sweeps are designed to detect and uncover illegal surveillance devices from any given area. TSCM techniques are also able to discover and remedy technical security issues as well. With a professional bug sweep provided by a licensed investigator, you can regain your peace of mind knowing that your privacy is fully protected.
Commonly, people and businesses hire investigators to conduct a thorough bug sweep because they believe that they are the victims of illegal spying. This may be due to the fact that surveillance and bugging is more common these days than ever before. In fact, a complete stranger can access all of your personal or professional data with just a few clicks of their mouse when they use the right equipment. For most people, that is a very scary prospect to consider.
5 Interesting Facts to Think About
When was the last time you used your credit card to purchase something online or over the phone? This is one of the most common sources of identity theft.
- Some spouses, while in the middle of a divorce, will plant surveillance equipment throughout the marital home in an effort to gather information for favor in court.
- Surveillance equipment is often used during litigation, which allows the opposing side to gather your private information and use it against you in court.
- Hidden cameras are often discovered planted in rental homes.
- Businesses are targeted frequently by criminals who are out to steal valuable information and/or trade secrets.
For more information on having a bug sweep performed, call our Beverly Hills office at (310) 894-5200 or submit your inquiry via email to get the process started.
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