Pointers To Know When Getting Pulled Over

Pointers To Know When Getting Pulled Over

Have you even been pulled over before by the police when driving around in your automobile? If you are honest with yourself, it is something we all dread, no matter what the scenario is. Chances are, there’s a least a thing or two you would change if you could go back...
Arrested for What? Top 25 Weirdest Laws in U.S.

Arrested for What? Top 25 Weirdest Laws in U.S.

If you believe average statistics about Americans following / breaking laws, then you will learn that the average American violates a minimum of two laws each day. As hard as some of us try to abide by the law, everyone will break at least one eventually. The...
Technological Innovations in Criminal Justice

Technological Innovations in Criminal Justice

When first introduced as a criminal investigation tactic in the early 1900’s, the idea of fingerprinting to identify criminals was a revolutionary crime-fighting tactic. It is still a common practice used to identify suspects and to analyze a crime scene, today....
10 Ways Men Get Caught Cheating: Then Vs. Now

10 Ways Men Get Caught Cheating: Then Vs. Now

It is always a terrible thing when someone cheats on their partner. Today, with all of the advancements in technology, leaving a train of infidelity evidence is easier than you might think. In this infographic, explore 10 ways men can get caught cheating in...
Sometimes We Can’t Help Even Though We Want To

Sometimes We Can’t Help Even Though We Want To

It’s been more than 15 years since the divorce from my wife, Lynn. She was also a licensed P.I. and held an especially unique talent when operating in an undercover capacity. Often, the cover doesn’t require a particular identity or occupation so she was able to...
Sometimes Proving Murder Is Not Enough

Sometimes Proving Murder Is Not Enough

After receiving a call from my client, Mitch, a prominent defense attorney, I jumped in my car and drove over to his office. Waiting there were two men, a retired New York Police Department detective and his son, Daniel, a 25-year-old Emergency Medical Technician....